The Lines of My Hand(First Softcover Edition)

Robert Frank


Publisher/Lustrum Press

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/228*305*10
Robert Frank's photo book "The Lines of My Hand (First Softcover Edition)". Robert Frank was born in Switzerland and moved to the United States in his 20s. His masterpiece, "The Americans," is a monumental work among photo books born in the 20th century, and has been reprinted by many Western publishers. It is no exaggeration to say that it has been the best-selling photo book since its release. Frank's America, which combines not only documentary elements and document journalism but also a personal perspective and free style, shows us an America we don't know, "new photos" we have never seen before, and "foresight" that predicted the era after the 1960s. This book is one of Frank's masterpieces, along with "The Americans," and is an autobiographical photo essay. It is a book that gives a sense of Frank's creativity not only in the photographs, but also in the videos, design and layout. The Japanese version was published in 1973 by Kazuhiko Motomura's Yugensha, a revised edition in 1989, and a softcover reprint in 2018, but this is the first edition published by Lustrums, which was founded by photographer Ralph Gibson in 1972.
<Related Artists> Robert Frank
<Condition> Good.