Kohtaamisia 1960 - luvun Helsingissä / Encounters in 1960s Helsinki

Ismo Holtto


Publisher/Arktinen Huhtikuu

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/263   Size/268*328*25
Kohtaamisia 1960 - luvun Helsingissä / Encounters in 1960s Helsinki is a collection of works by Finnish photographer Ismo Holut. In Finland, which has many public photography-related institutions and is said to be a photography powerhouse, Holut boasts overwhelming talent and popularity in realism and documentary photography. "Nature" and "people". I think that the subjects are all about this, but the perspective that captures their various expressions is interesting, and it is amazing that the photos included in this book were taken in the "60s". Just as Tomatsu Shomei and Moriyama Daido directly rejected traditional realism and created a new path for Japanese photography, Holut also established a new documentary style in the country. This work, published at the time of the 2021 exhibition, contains portraits of cityscapes, children, workers, and young people from various angles, and this book is so rich in content that you can fully understand the culture of the city of Helsinki in the 1960s with just one book. Highly recommended book for photography lovers.
<Related Artists> Ismo HolttoPekka Turunen
<Condition> Very good.