細江英公の写真 1950-2000

細江 英公 / Eikoh Hosoe



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/310   Size/225*283*23
A collection of works by Eikoh Hosoe, one of Japan's leading photographers after the war, "Photographs of Eikoh Hosoe 1950-2000". From avant-garde nudes rich in experimental expressions represented by "Otoko to Onna", "Baragei" and "Kamaitachi", "Why, Mother, Why? "Taka-chan and I -A Dog's Journey to Japan-" and other children's documentaries. Daido Moriyama, who came to Tokyo with the introduction of Takeji Iwamiya to join VIVO, eventually became Eikoh Hosoe's assistant. There were many times when there was only one," he said. This book is a catalog published in 2000 at the time of exhibitions held all over the country, starting with the Yamagata Museum of Art. Soft cover edition.
<Related Artists> 細江 英公 / Eikoh Hosoe
<Condition> Good.