The Nasty Terrible T-Kid 170(Hardcover)

Julius Cavero


Publisher/From Here to Fame

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/208   Size/235*305*20
"The Nasty Terrible T-Kid 170", a collection of works by American graffiti artist Julius Cavero. Known as "T-Kid", he has been active since the 1980s, which is said to be the golden age of the hip-hop scene in New York. A ghetto born in New Jersey to a Peruvian immigrant father and a Puerto Rican-born mother in 1961. .. He was immediately recruited by gangsters from Broncos and Harlem, but was seriously injured when he was a teenager and was shot by a gangster's gun. Although he miraculously survived his life, he was forced to stay in the hospital for weeks, and he started painting when he had no choice but to leave the gang and concentrate on graffiti. I will. He studied under Tracy 168, a pioneer of "Wild Style", and trained in earnest. Combined with the "train graffiti" technique he acquired during the gangster era, along with the rise of hip-hop in black culture, the name of T-Kid. Also became known. This is a book that summarizes the careers of such artists.
<Related Artists> カズ 葛井 / Kazu Kuzui
<Condition> Very good.