Still Life

Luigi Ghirri

¥16,500(¥15,000 + tax)

Publisher/Baldini Castoldi Dalai Editore

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/160   Size/245*270*15
Photo book "Still Life" by Italian photographer Luigi Ghirri. Luigi Ghirri is regaining popularity both at home and abroad due to the reprint of "Kodachrome" published in 1978 and the "photo lecture" published by Misuzu Shobo. An artistic photographer who has a deep knowledge of art, architecture, music, etc., is trapped in images, and continues to think through images. This book is a collection of photographs published at the exhibition of the same name held in Bologna, Italy in 2005, and is a popular still life series among Gilli's works. Composed of works taken with a small camera between 1975 and 1981 in the early days, it features a well-thought-out composition, vibrant coloring, and a unique concept in fragmented plates. It is included and makes you feel an intimate perspective on Gilli's things and abundant creativity. This book is a condensed view of the world unique to Luigi Ghirri, who had a close relationship with artists such as the painter Giorgio Morandi and the architect Aldo Rossi. The text is Italian.
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<Condition> Very good.